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Pulsed Electromagnetic Treatment
The OMI PADS pulsed electromagnetic treatment is available in our clinic. It is one of the most advanced pulsing magnetic devices currently available on the market.
The beneficial effects of Earth’s magnetic field are taken for granted by most of us, and we never even think about what life would be like to be without them. The modern world is filled with electro smog: natural magnetism is attenuated or masked by electrical, radio and radar equipment. Our environment is full of concrete, steel, asphalt and cars: all these separate us from Nature and deprive us of the necessary dose of the natural vitalizing energy of the Earth. Similar to sunlight, water, air and gravitation, the magnetic field is another Basic biological component of our survival. Exposure to natural energy fields is a requirement of human life. These energy fields interact with our cells, and are necessary for homeostasis (the dynamic balance of our internal environment) and maintaining our bodies at an optimal level.